About Me

I, Jodie Groves, started PBJ New Life Creations in 2020 when people became interested in buying items I "upcycled." Reuse, recycle, or restore was my effort to give "new life" to items and keep them from going into a landfill.  That's where it all started, and where the name of New Life Creations came from. From there, I worked to improve my skill to make sure I was offering the best product possible.  

Now, if I'm being perfectly honest, being a maker is in my blood, and my parents supported my desire to create early on.  I was a member of 4-H and while many 4-H'ers in my small rural town in Ohio took farm animals as their projects, I always wanted to participate in the artistic, creator projects.  My mom was (still is) a sewer/quilter, so I, of course, dabbled in that for a few years.  Then, there was cooking, which was...ok... but I loved photography and woodworking!  Those were my favorites, and I can still remember working with my dad on this Uncle Sam flag holder project.  So, you could say, I've been preparing for what I do today my whole life! 

I am always evolving and growing as a maker, but there remains one constant: what I make is made by hand and with love!